Resources Center


A deeper dive into perils of white papers, pseudo-technical articles

Inaccurate or incomplete claims in seemingly technical articles can spread damaging falsehoods for both the affected companies and the gear-manufacturing industry at large.


Beware Marketing Pieces Masquerading as Technical Content

White papers can be a useful source of new technology information, but sometimes caution should be exercised relative to claims made.


Expectations for a Chemically-Accelerated Super-finishing Process – Part 3/3

Expectations for a chemically accelerated superfinishing process When selecting your chemically accelerated superfinishing process, it is important to understand and […]

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Expectations for a Chemically-Accelerated Super-finishing Process – Part 2/3

In the previous article, we discussed the fact that chemically accelerated/assisted superfinishing, also known as isotropic superfinishing, was introduced into the gear industry more than twenty years ago. Since that time, it has become widely accepted as a solution for numerous gear failure modes and performance enhancements.

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What to Expect From Chemically Accelerated Superfinishing Process

Isotropic superfinishing is a customizable manufacturing operation whereby tens or hundreds of gears can be simultaneously processed in the same […]

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Surfaces: More than just roughness

As the manufacturing community changes and evolves, there is always a need to reevaluate how one thinks about things. New […]

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